Primary English

Primary 2 syllabus:

Whole numbersNumbers to 1 000
Reading and writing numbers in words and numerals
Comparing and ordering numbers
Patterns in number sequences
Addition and subtraction up to 3 digits
Solving word problems using part-whole and comparison model to illustrate the concepts of addition and addition
Mental calculation involving multiplication and division within multiplication tables
Solving word problems involving multiplication and division
Solve non-routine problems using heuristics
FractionsFraction as part of a whole
Learn to compare and order fractions (like fractions and unit fractions)
Achieve mastery of fraction recognition and comparison
Adding and subtracting like fractions
MoneyCounting amount of money in dollars and cents
Reading and writing money in decimal notation
Comparing different amounts of money
Convert money in decimal notions to cents, and vice versa
Solving word problems involving money if either dollar only or cents only
MeasurementLearn to measure length in metres/centimetres, mass in kilograms/grams and volume of liquid in litres
Able to draw and measure a line segment to nearest cm
Able to use the appropriate units of measurement
Comparing and ordering lengths, masses and volumes
Solving word problems involving length/mass/volume
TimeUse of a.m and p.m
Able to tell time to 5 minutes
Drawing hands on the clock face to show time
Duration of 1 hour/half hour
ShapesIdentify, name and describe 2D shapes and 3D shapes
Recognise how 2D shapes and 3D shapes can be found in environment
Forming different 2D figures using 2D shapes
Copying figures on dot grid and square grid
Identifying the patterns formed using 2D/3D shapes